James Earl portrait sex therapy

James Earl

MSW CQSW (Sussex) PCert PgDip (Relate)

BA Hons (Mddx) RegCOSRT

James Earl Relationship Counselling

& Psychosexual Therapy


About me

I am an experienced & professionally qualified relationship counsellor & sex therapist.

I have a Postgraduate Diploma in Relationship Therapy & a Professional Certificate in Psychosexual Therapy from Relate, & a Masters Degree in Social Work from the University of Sussex.

I am a registered member of the professional body for relationship & sex therapists, COSRT, and have been in private practice for 13 years, working with clients across the UK & internationally.

I have also been a professional jazz pianist, and an academic philosopher.

More about me ...

About a session

First sessions are free, so you can check you're comfortable working with me.

My diary is online, so you can book a session at a time that suits you: and you don't need to contact me first.

I can see you in-person in Hampton, in the London Borough of Richmond, SW London, (near Twickenham, Teddington & Kingston) or by Zoom if you prefer. I can also see you in the West End, if you email me.

Sessions last one hour, 90 minutes, 2 hours, or a half-day or one-day, and are £70 ph for individuals or £90 ph for couples. See details below.

Choose regular sessions, or book in ad-hoc if you prefer, & cancel with no charge.

About relationship therapy

Relationship therapy really works!  (80% of respondents to a recent Relate survey said therapy had significantly improved their relationship).

Relationship & psychosexual therapy is a specialist form of therapy, so it is best to work with someone with this specific training.

Common issues include: communication, conflict & anger; loss of playfulness & fun; loss of sexual desire & arousal; the aftermath of affairs; & sexual problems. I can also help with anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, anger & addiction, & their effect on relationships

I welcome all cultural & ethnic backgrounds, sexualities, genders and types of relationship.

News, Media & Awards

James Earl article sex therapy

I write for Liz Earle Wellbeing on sex, relationships and psychotherapy.

Click an article for a full screen version

James Earl article sex therapy
James Earl article sex therapy
James Earl article sex therapy
James Earl article sex therapy
James Earl article sex therapy

I have written for Newsweek on dating and cheating.

Click an article for a full screen version

James Earl article sex therapy
James Earl arrticle sex therapy
James Earl sex therapy

Here is a piece I posted on eroticism Why do some things turn us on? and another on Anxiety

Click the image for a full screen version

Cupid James Earl Sex Therapy
Liz Earle Podcasts James Earl sex therapy

Listen to me on the Liz Earle Wellbeing Show podcast

Click the play button

Times Radio James Earl sex therapy

I was interviewed by Mariella Frostrup on Times Radio on the passing of Shirley Zussman, the famous US sex therapist

Click the play button

Synima logo James Earl sex therapy

Watch my award-winning animations with Quint Boa of Synima on mental wellbeing.

Click and play full screen

The theory behind using animation to explain mental health conditions is explained in our book 'To Infinity & Beyond'

Click to visit the sites

Vega award James Earl sex therapy
Hermes awared James earl sex therapy

First session: free

Couple session: £90 per hour

Individual session: £70 per hour

1 hr, 90 min or 2 hr sessions available

Prices in the West End are available on request.

I offer discounted rates if  you're unemployed or on a low income.


One-day sessions (6 hrs): £500

Half-day sessions (3 hrs): £250

Every day for a week (5hrs) £415

Client Feedback

'Thank you for the session today. It really helped in seeing some potential and practical ways forward’

C, Surbiton

'Thank you for a ll your very wise and practical guidance. You are very calm and so neutral and so practical it has been very very helpful.'

R, Camberwell

'We couldn't possibly have got to where we are without your support, for which I'm hugely grateful'

R & R, Richmond

'We seem to be doing really well, thanks to all your help'

D & M, Kingston

‘You are a brilliant therapist’

M, Wimbledon

‘We feel that you're on our wavelength and I don't think there are many people of whom that would be true’

T & K, Teddington

‘Thank you so much for meeting with us this morning - we have both come away feeling very positive about the process that we started’

S & P, New Malden


12 Station Road, Hampton

TW12 2BX

'The Old Police Station'

07429 186 222


My working hours are:

Monday - Sunday 8am  - 9pm

There is free parking nearby, & you can park outside after 6.30pm. A parking space is available on request.

Bikes are safe behind a locked gate.

The 111, 216 & R68 bus routes stop nearby, and Hampton Rail Station is 8 mins on foot.

Station Road James Eark sex therapy

My room is on the ground floor, and there is a bathroom you can use.

Tea, coffee, & various herb teas are always available.

You are welcome to browse my library and use the garden.

Hampton Court Palace is 15 mins on foot

The Thames riverside is 1 minute away

House James Earl sex therapy
Garden James Earl sex therapy
Garden James Earl sex therapy
Hampton Court Palace James Earl sex therapy
Riverside Hampton James Earl sex therapy
Old House James Earl sex therapy


COSRT logo James Earl sex therapy
Psych Today logo James Earl sex therapy
Counselling Directory logo James Earl sex therapy
Connect MDT logo  James Earl sex therapy
LnkedIn logo  James Earl sex therapy
You Tube logo  James Earl sex therapy

Worked with

Liz Earle sex therapy
Newsweek James Earl Sex Therapy
Times Radio James Earl Sex Therapy
Womens Radio James Earl Sex Therapy
Simply Women James Earl Sex Therapy
Women's Health James Earl Sex Therapy
APN James Earl Sex Therapy
UKCP James Earl Sex Therapy
MJ James Earl Sex Therapy
Relate James Earl Sex Therapy
Sex Advice James Earl Sex Therapy
Brauch James Earl Sex Therapy
Symina James Earl Sex Therapy
LEH James Earl Sex Therapy
Liz Earle Podcast James Earl Sex Therapy
Harley Sunday James Earl Sex Therapy
Tears Dry to Frost James Earl sex therapy
Quint logo James Earl sex therapy